Kyle & Colleen

Called to Serve

Kyle and Colleen joined Samaritan Ministries in 2011, a few months after the birth of their first son. Kyle was working for a small church and was discouraged by the amount of money the church was spending on medical insurance for his young family, and started exploring health care sharing as an affordable way to pay for his family's medical expenses. 

What started out as a desire to lessen the financial burdens on a small, rural church became a step of faith as they said no to medical insurance and put their faith in God, through community with His people, in this world of health care sharing. And since becoming Samaritan members, Kyle says their generosity has increased as they get to meet the "real needs of real people, just like ourselves."

It was also around this same time, that they were called to become a church planting family. Their journey, from the time they were called until they planted roots, took them to new communities and new states. One thing that stayed with them during each move was Samaritan Ministries. 

"Our needs are being met and we are receiving in many ways, but we're also able to meet the needs of others and in to doing so, we're living out that Biblical reality of generosity and serving one another."

They found reassurance in knowing that as they moved from state to state, they didn't have to worry about how paying for their medical expenses might change. Throughout their years of being in ministry, as they moved, had babies, and experienced medical needs, Samaritan members have been there for them. Colleen says she likes the freedom and flexibility of being able to choose a doctor they can trust - wherever they call home - with their medical issues, especially when it comes to their kids. 

But they say the greatest joy of being a Samaritan member is knowing that they're connected to people who love Jesus, and show it by helping care for one another's needs. Kyle says, "It's really a God glorifying opportunity to partner with people who love Jesus," and know that you are not in this alone. 

Kyle and Colleen have been Samaritan members since 2011 

Kyle showing his daughter a rock from a dried up river bed.